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What Makes a Good Manager? 5 Skills To Be Successful!

A manager is like a guide in the workplace, keeping a group of hikers together on a lengthy, twisty trail.

They must keep the group together & alter the pace so that everyone reaches the endpoint safely. They should also decide when to take breaks and when to push on, and provide assistance along the way when the group encounters a difficult situation. ?

Some managers are friendly, upbeat guides who have a thorough understanding of both the environment and how to motivate the entire team. They also bring tasty munchies.?

However, many managers are brutal, go out on their own and abandon the team, or lead everybody in the wrong direction until they give up.

How come some of them are terrific leaders, while others lose themselves and their people in the woods??


So how can present or wannabe managers improve their leadership skills so that their teams may succeed on the journey? We’ll go through everything right now, so let’s get started!??

Why Do Good Managers Matter?

Having great staff is beneficial to your company, but having great managers is possibly even more important.✅

While employees affect how your teams perform, managers have a significant impact on the whole team’s productivity and engagement. As a result, one of the most crucial elements in how rewarding and engaging employees find their work – is their managers.


You’ve probably seen this influence on your own career—a great boss can motivate you to do your best and explore different possibilities, while a lousy boss can make every day a struggle.☹️

According to Gallup’s State of the Workplace study, managers are so important to an employee’s experience in the workplace that half of them quit saying it was because of their supervisors. They alone are responsible for 70% of the variation in team engagement.

That means that a single lousy manager can have a big impact on a team of otherwise brilliant and committed employees by discouraging them.

Great managers have a ripple effect that extends beyond their immediate team. So, why aren’t more businesses doing a better job of training, promoting, and retaining exceptional leaders?

The Challenges Of Managing Employees Well

Well, one thing that stands in the way of more great managers being developed and nurtured is the fact that managing people is difficult! 

To truly improve productivity and efficiency, managers need a complicated mix of thinking, prioritizing technical abilities, interpersonal skills, and cooperation from the entire business.

And most firms do not set up their managers for success, to begin with. In reality, today’s average middle manager has 50% more team members than a decade earlier and devotes 15% less time to each one of them.

Even the most skilled and dedicated managers will find it difficult to do their best with such a heavy workload.


Another problem here is that many employees are promoted into managerial positions because they are good at their jobs, not because they have great ability as people managers. An employee’s technical talents do not imply that they have the essential interpersonal skills or management abilities to be a competent manager. Nonetheless, a rise to a leadership role is frequently viewed as the logical next step in a person’s career.

Furthermore, these newly promoted managers are frequently thrown into their new responsibilities with little or no management training and left to fend for themselves.

Most terrible managers aren’t aiming to be bad bosses – they simply don’t understand what progress looks like or how to improve as a manager. That is what we will attempt to cover.?

What Makes A Good Manager?

So, what distinguishes mediocre managers from their great counterparts? There are numerous factors, both big and small, that influence the outcome. However, here are five of the most important qualities that make a good manager.?


  • Know Your People

Being an effective manager requires an understanding of what makes each person unique—their skills, weaknesses, interests, and work style. But it’s about more than just getting to know your people well.

You must also know how to play to everyone’s strengths while balancing out their weak points. Your entire staff will be happier and more successful as a result, because they’ll be able to put their abilities to good use every day on fascinating projects. Since you’ll have highly motivated employees doing something they enjoy and excel at, your company will prosper.?

  • Commit To Communicating

Another quality of exceptional managers is their ability to communicate clearly. It’s not just about providing good speeches in management communications – it’s also about being able to set clear objectives that align with the company’s overall objective.

Employees must have clear expectations and goals in order to perform well. Clarity about their role gives them purpose and focus for their daily work. Unfortunately, only six out of ten employees are aware of their responsibilities at work. – State of the American Workplace 2020, Gallup

You’re missing out on a huge opportunity to engage your team if all you share with them is their weekly or daily worklist. When employees feel connected to a wider vision and mission, they are more engaged.

  • Make Time To Meet

Great managers also check in with each one of their team members regularly. And these sessions are more than simply a way for employees to catch up on the week’s tasks – they’re also a time for them to interact and engage with each other.❤️

Instead of just going over status updates in these discussions, you should focus on receiving feedback from your team on how they’re feeling and conducting career talks.

If you need some help with prompts or agendas, Read our Ultimate guide to perfect one-on-one meetings

  • Create A Healthy Workplace Culture

Finally, good managers consciously cultivate a positive work environment. They’re aware of how they’re affecting the culture of their team. Are they micromanaging or straining employees in any way? Are they unintentionally fostering a culture of overwork and underappreciation?

Toxic employees should be dealt with before they bring the entire team down with them. Dealing with the troublesome staff isn’t anyone’s idea of fun, but it has to be done before things become worse.

  • Focus On Performance Development

89 percent of Highly engaged employees are satisfied with their professional growth possibilities, compared to only 36 percent of Actively Disengaged employees, according to the 2020 Employee Engagement and Modern Workplace Report.

Managers bear a significant amount of responsibility for helping their employees in growing and achieving their objectives. This implies you can’t put off feedback and career discussions until the annual review.

Only 30% of employees strongly believe that their boss indulges them in defining organizational goals. Those who do agree are 3.6 times more likely to be engaged than other coworkers. –State of the American Workplace 2020, Gallup

Managers should speak with their staff about their professional development on a regular basis. Setting aside time to learn how to capitalize on your employees’ talents, participate in goal-setting, and identify problem areas can significantly impact employee engagement.

How Can You Become A Great Manager?

So you’re a manager, and you want to improve your performance—now what? Firstly, congratulate yourself for your commitment to self-improvement! ? Even experienced managers can improve their ability to lead and motivate their staff. Here are our top four recommendations on what you can do:?


  • Improve Your Communication Skills

This will help you build high-performance standards, speak highly of your team, and spell out a vision that drives your employees as a whole.

  • Don’t Put Off Or Shy Away From Honest Conversations

Employees require constructive feedback on how they’re doing and where they could improve. They value discussions with their supervisors about the next steps in their career path and how they may get there.

Only 23% of employees strongly agree that their manager gives them useful feedback. Only 26% firmly believe that the input they receive helps people do quality stuff. Employees who agree with the feedback are more likely to engage than the others. – State of the American Workplace 2020, Gallup

  • Stay Flexible

Micromanaging your staff is one of the most common mistakes managers make. However, it’s a good effort to ensure that tasks run smoothly and that key policies are followed well. But as each employee is unique and unusual situations demand unique solutions, don’t be afraid to deviate from the rules when needed.

  • Don’t Be Afraid To Adjust

Your workforce wants to be creative and imaginative. When they have the opportunity to do so, they will be more happy and motivated. Allowing employees to look at old practices with fresh eyes can offer them the opportunity to make a difference in how your company operates. (A win-win situation for everyone)

Our Final Words!

Nobody is born with great management abilities, one has to learn them. That’s fantastic news!

It means that anyone can improve their management skills and motivate their staff on a daily basis. Figuring out your abilities can help you become the excellent boss you’ve always wanted to be.?

Check out this resource: Top 10 Tips For Improving Employee Engagement | Zimyo

Also Read: 4 Ways Businesses Can Support Employee Well Being

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