Class of Employment | Total Per Day | Total Per Month |
Unskilled | ₹419.22 | ₹10899.82 |
Semi-Skilled | ₹449.22 | ₹11679.82 |
Skilled | ₹483.72 | ₹12576.82 |
Highly Skilled | ₹523.41 | ₹13608.82 |
Staff Category | Total Per Day | Total Per Month |
Staff Category-A | ₹597.06 | ₹15,523.77 |
Staff Category-B | ₹532.83 | ₹13853.77 |
Staff Category-C | ₹475.14 | ₹12353.77 |
Staff Category-D | ₹428.99 | ₹11153.77 |
Punjab’s workforce is as diverse as its industries, and minimum wages in Punjab ensure that every worker, whether unskilled or highly skilled, is compensated fairly. From farm laborers to factory professionals, the wage system provides a level of security for workers across the state. It’s important for us, as both employers and employees, to be aware of these minimum wage regulations and ensure that everyone gets what they deserve.
Have you checked if you or your employees are being paid the right amount according to the latest minimum wages in Punjab? Knowing your rights can make a big difference in your financial security.