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Relieving Letter Email

A relieving letter is an official document issued by the organization to the employee whose notice period has ended.

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What is a Relieving Letter?

A relieving letter is an official document issued by an organization to an employee highlighting the expiry of their notice period.

Components of Relieving Letter

An employer must be aware of what a relieving letter should include. 

A relieving letter must include the following components:

1. Details of the Employees- The details of the employees should include the following details:

  • Employee’s full name
  • Job title held by the employee
  • Start and end date of the employment with the firm

2. Details of the company

The details of the company should include:

  • Company’s name
  • Company’s address
  • Company contact information
  • Date of issuing the relieving letter

These details are necessary to include in the relieving letter.

3. Employee Conduct

In this section information related to the employee is provided. This includes the professional behavior of the employee and how he faced challenges and offered effective solutions. This helps the employee to find a new job quickly.

4. Employee Resignation Date

This section includes the resignation date of the employee and the notice period served by them. This ensures that the employee is no longer attached to the company.

5. A statement of appreciation or thanks 

This section includes all the work the employee has done during their tenure and what extraordinary they have done for the company’s growth and development. This section is to appreciate the efforts of employees.

6. Your full name, title and designation in the organization

It is essential to write the full name and designation of the employee who is writing the relieving letter to confirm its authenticity.

Relieving Letter Format

Relieving Letter Format-1

Dear Sir/Madam

This is to request you that I am looking for my relieving letter. I resigned from the company on ……..(date) and have served the required notice period of 2 months and my last working day in the company was ……(date). I have worked with utmost sincerity and dedication for almost five years. I had left no stone unturned to achieve organizational goals.

Please provide the needful as earliest as possible. Please consider it on priority and give the suitable one at the earliest.

(Name of the employee)

Relieving Letter Format-2

Date- DD/MM/YY

(Name of the HR)

Subject- Request for the relieving letter

Dear Sir/Madam

I am ……(name of the employee) and my Employee Id is ……….(Employee ID Number). 

I am writing this email in order to request my relieving letter. I resigned from the organization ……..(name of the organization) on ………(date of resignation). The notice period of ……( months) had also been served. I have also completed all the required formalities. 

As per the company policy, I was supposed to receive the relieving letter in …..(days). Yet I have not received the same so I request you to issue the same at earliest. I have attached my resignation letter for reference.

Thank you.
(Name of the employee)

Relieving Letter Format-3

Date- DD/MM/YY

(Name of the HR)

Subject- Request for the relieving letter

Dear Sir/Madam

This is to inform you that I am looking forward to receiving my relieving letter at earliest. I have resigned from the company on ……….(date) and have completed all dependencies at my end. I have also served the required notice period of ………(months). I have worked with utmost sincerity to take the organization to greater heights. 

I request you to release my relieving letter as soon as possible so that I can submit the same in my new organization.

Thank and Regards
(Name of the employee)

Relieving Letter Acceptance Format


Date- ……….


Mr. X (name of the employee)

Dear X

This email is regarding the resignation letter you submitted on …….(date) where you requested to be relieved from your services on …….(date) after serving a notice period of 2 months. This is to inform you that your request has been accepted and you are being relieved from your position as (Position) with (company name) with effect from (date). 

Your full and final settlement is processed and you will get it shortly. We appreciate your contribution to the organization and extend our best wishes for your future.

(Name of the HR)


Date- ……….

Mr. X (name of the employee)

EDT123 (Employee id)

Marketing Manager (Job Role)

Dear Mr. X

This is regarding the resignation letter you submitted on the date ……… This is to inform you that the management has accepted your resignation letter and you will be relieved from your services on ……… (date). 

Please visit the clearance department to make your complete and final settlement within a few days. We highly appreciate all your efforts for the organization’s growth and extend our good wishes for the future.

Mr. Y (name of the signing authority)