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Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) | Meaning and Definition

What is ADR?

Alternative dispute resolution means resolving disputes without litigation. It encompasses a variety of methods such as arbitration, mediation, and negotiation. ADR is often preferred because it is less expensive and more expeditious than going to court. It can also be more confidential than traditional litigation.

What is a dispute?

A dispute is a disagreement or argument. When two people have a dispute, they argue or fight about something. 

What can ADR do?

An alternative dispute resolution system can solve some of the more common disputes with mediation, arbitration, and negotiation, which are different types of ADR. It can be used in various settings, including family law and divorce disputes, neighbourhood disputes, and employment disputes. 

One of the advantages of using ADR is that it can often be less expensive and less time-consuming than court. In addition, the parties are more involved in settling the dispute themselves, which can lead to a more satisfying resolution for all involved. 

Benefits of Alternative Dispute Resolution

  • It is a more efficient way to resolve disputes than going to court. It can take weeks or months for a case to go to trial, but a resolution can often be reached in days or weeks with ADR.
  • It is less expensive than going to court. The parties involved in the dispute usually split the costs of ADR evenly.
  • It is less adversarial than going to court. The parties involved in the dispute are more likely to resolve it if they work together cooperatively.
  • It is confidential. The proceedings and the resolutions reached are not made public.
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