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Repatriation | Meaning and Definition

What is repatriation?

When the employees who were deployed abroad for a long period of time to work on an assignment return to their home country, it is known as repatriation.

Process of repatriation:

Having a clear plan and expectations for what repatriation will involve is essential both for the employer and the employee in advance of the assignment ends.

HR professionals should hold career discussions before departing to manage to repatriate expectations. What role will the employee be returning to? Will it be their old job or one that suits their skills and experience?

Returning employees, for instance, will expect to be offered career advancement opportunities and advancement in line with their enhanced capabilities. This is where international experience is part of a wider talent development and training program. A suitable senior role might be offered, or, if one did not exist, additional creative ways could be created. This is to motivate and encourage returning assignees to stay within your organization after getting back from an assignment.

It may also be necessary for the employee to receive practical support for resettlement, such as finding new accommodations and enrolling children in school, depending on the duration of the assignment.

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