Minimum Wages in Illinois

Check the latest minimum wages for Illinois

Standard Minimum Wages


per hour

Tipped Minimum Wages


per hour


Business owners, organizations and corporations must stay updated and compliant with minimum wages in Illinois to avoid any legal issues. Staying aware and updated helps to plan better for the future of business. Minimum wages in Illinois are closely linked to the cost of living and inflation rate in Illinois so everyone can afford a standard of living. These minimum wages increase annually based on the inflation rate in the economy and measured by the Consumer Price Index. 

What is the Minimum Wage in Illinois in 2024?

The minimum wage applicable for employees above 18 on an hourly basis is $14 per hour (applicable from January 1, 2024) irrespective of company size. Earlier this rate was $13 per hour for non-tipped employees. If employers want to pay less to employees who are learners or who face any physical and mental disabilities have to apply for a certain license. For tipped employees, the minimum wage has seen a rise from $7.80 to $8.40 per hour. This rate is set by the Illinois Department of Labor. 

There are certain exemptions for Illinois minimum wages and you are paid minimum wages if you fall in the category:
1. Minimum wage for employees under 20 years of age- Those employees who are under the age of 20 are entitled to a training wage of $4.25 per hour for the first 90 employment days in Illinois.
2. Minimum wage for students in Illinois- Those students who have completed their high school and are serving as full-time employees or part-time college students in Illinois are paid 85% of the minimum wage (which is as little as $11.90 per hour) for up to 20 hours of work per week. 
3. Tipped minimum wage in Illinois- Those employees who earn tips every month are paid less than the normal wage rate applicable in Illinois (but it is set at a minimum of $14 per hour along with the hourly tip).

How can small business owners tackle an increase in minimum wages?

In Illinois, the minimum wage rate is revised as per the inflation rate of the state. Big businesses and corporations can tackle the rise in minimum wages but it becomes difficult for small business owners to tackle it.

To tackle the rising wages here are some ways they can consider:

1. Right hiring- It is necessary to ensure that small businesses hire make the right hiring decisions. Replacing an employee costs a lot for the employer. Before hiring make sure that the employee is a good fit for your business. After completing the onboarding process it is necessary to maintain healthy relationships. Moreover, it is necessary to provide a clear path of growth and success to the employees so that they are likely to stay long with your business.


2. Increase the price of product/service-  One of the other ways to tackle the rising minimum wage is to increase the price of the product/service in which the business deals. But it’s necessary to stay with the market trends and the rise should be optimal.


3. Recheck your expenses- Before making hiring decisions it’s necessary to recheck the financial statements of the business. Sometimes hiring temporary or contractual employees proves to be less costly as compared to hiring full-time employees.


Using the above methods small businesses can tackle the increase in minimum wages. 

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

The minimum wage in Illinois applicable from January 1, 2024 is $16 per hour.

Full-time high school students and part-time college students are paid a minimum wage of $11.90 per hour in Illinois.

The minimum wage for tipped employees in Illinois is $8.40 per hour.

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